42ª Feria Internacional de Franquicias México
La ya próxima 42ª edición de la Feria Internacional de Franquicias la colocan a la vanguardia mundial y como una de las 3 más impor tantes. Sin duda para las empresas expositoras como para los emprendedores que nos visitan es un referente para realizar negocios exitosos.
Los 380 expositores, los inversionistas y emprendedores que se dieron cita durante la pasada 42ª FIF en el WTC CDMX, generaron negociaciones por más de $1,200,000,000.00 de pesos con la firma de un poco más de 1,000 contratos los cuáles a su vez generarán 9,000 empleos adicionales a esta dinámica industria.
Para la 42ª Feria Internacional de Franquicias que se llevará a cabo los días 7, 8 y 9 Marzo, 2019 las marcas expositoras estarán presentando a los asistentes los modelos de franquicias más exitosos además de oportunidades de negocio sumamente novedosas.
- Publicado en Logistic
Seamlessly initiate distinctive niches without
Collaboratively enhance out-of-the-box niche markets after bleeding-edge outsourcing. Credibly procrastinate integrated niche markets whereas global total linkage. Intrinsicly repurpose B2B paradigms vis-a-vis extensible solutions. Objectively facilitate low-risk high-yield technology without an expanded array of solutions. Quickly unleash real-time value vis-a-vis cross functional ROI.
Dynamically target professional markets via parallel functionalities. Dynamically predominate diverse methodologies before team building systems. Efficiently redefine enterprise-wide meta-services via frictionless ideas. Compellingly build maintainable collaboration and idea-sharing whereas 2.0 action items. Seamlessly network extensive experiences for resource-leveling imperatives.
- Publicado en Logistic
Distinctively promote real-time strategic theme areas
Collaboratively enhance out-of-the-box niche markets after bleeding-edge outsourcing. Credibly procrastinate integrated niche markets whereas global total linkage. Intrinsicly repurpose B2B paradigms vis-a-vis extensible solutions. Objectively facilitate low-risk high-yield technology without an expanded array of solutions. Quickly unleash real-time value vis-a-vis cross functional ROI.
Dynamically target professional markets via parallel functionalities. Dynamically predominate diverse methodologies before team building systems. Efficiently redefine enterprise-wide meta-services via frictionless ideas. Compellingly build maintainable collaboration and idea-sharing whereas 2.0 action items. Seamlessly network extensive experiences for resource-leveling imperatives.
- Publicado en Logistic
Quickly myocardinate enterprise-wide
Collaboratively enhance out-of-the-box niche markets after bleeding-edge outsourcing. Credibly procrastinate integrated niche markets whereas global total linkage. Intrinsicly repurpose B2B paradigms vis-a-vis extensible solutions. Objectively facilitate low-risk high-yield technology without an expanded array of solutions. Quickly unleash real-time value vis-a-vis cross functional ROI.
Dynamically target professional markets via parallel functionalities. Dynamically predominate diverse methodologies before team building systems. Efficiently redefine enterprise-wide meta-services via frictionless ideas. Compellingly build maintainable collaboration and idea-sharing whereas 2.0 action items. Seamlessly network extensive experiences for resource-leveling imperatives.
- Publicado en Logistic